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What’s going on in Münster?

No wonder it’s not just the locals who love Münster. The Westphalian metropolis is also popular with tourists. There is always something special to experience here. Many go in search of the original locations of the popular German TV series “Münster-Tatort” and “Wilsberg”.

Münster’s habour at night


If you want something good to eat beforehand, you'll find the right restaurant here


Click here for the city's official calendar of events

Even more events

You can find an even wider range of events here

FRITZ, the accessible leisure calendar

On the Fritz leisure calendar, you will find inclusive events that are specifically aimed at people with disabilities. The website is designed to be accessible.

The idea for the leisure calendar came from many people in Münster. Members of the regional conference of the city of Münster, participants of the family educational institution in Münster, and the self-advocacy group WiM (which stands for “We, people with learning difficulties in Münster”), were all involved. The self-advocacy group NetzStecker from Lebenshilfe Münster was also involved. The project was funded by Aktion Mensch.

The “Blaue Haus“ (Blue House) in Münster's “Kuh-Viertel” (old town)
 The „Kiepenkerl“ memorial
 View over the Aasee at night

Hotel Haus vom Guten Hirten
Mauritz-Lindenweg 61
48145 Münster – Germany
Phone +49 (0)251 3787-0
Fax +49 (0)251 3787-460
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The integration company Hotel Haus vom Guten Hirten is funded by the Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege foundation of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (MAGS), the LWL, and Aktion Mensch.